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A Bibliography of Bertrand Russell

By Kenneth Blackwell and Harry Ruja
with the assistance of Bernd Frohmann, John G. Slater and Sheila Turcon (coauthor of Vol. III)

London and New York: Routledge, 1994
Vol. I: lvi, 611
Vol. II: xiv, 575
Vol. III: xi, 305
Boxed set: ISBN 978-0-415-11644-2 eBook: 978-0-203-42948-8

Volume I: Separate Publications, 1896-1990

Part A Books, Pamphlets and Leaflets
Part AA Collected Works
Part B Contributions to Books, Pamphlets and Leaflets
Part G Original Blurbs on Books, Pamphlets and Leaflets
Part H Original Quotations in Books, Pamphlets and Leaflets
Part L Minor Anthologies, Chiefly in Foreign Languages

Volume II: Serial Publications, 1890-1990

Part C Articles, Reviews, Statements, Letters to the Editor and Approved Interviews
Part D Reports of Speeches
Part E Interviews
Part F Multiple-Signatory Publications
Part Gg Original Blurbs
Part Hh Contributions in Serial Articles by Others
Part J Extracts in Booksellers’ and Auctioneers’ Catalogues
Part K Audio Recordings
Part M Films
Part S Spurious Publications

Volume III: Indexes

General Index
Files Cited in the Russell Archives