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Scholarly Introductions to Russell’s Books

Pages Place Blackwell & Ruja #. Notes
ABC of Atoms, The Ellwood, David Alexandre "Introduction" 2024 46 Nottingham Spokesman A45.1e
ABC of Relativity Clark, Peter "Introduction" 1997 10 London Routledge Routledge Classics A50
ABC of Relativity Pirani, Felix "Preface to the Fourth Edition" 1985 1 London Allen and Unwin A50.6a
Analysis of Matter, The Slater, John G. "Introduction" 1992 6 London Routledge A54. Replaced Denonn's Introduction; both omitted in Spokesman edition.
Analysis of Matter, The Denonn, Lester E. "Introduction" 1954 4 New York Dover A54.1j
Analysis of Matter, The [as L'Analyse de la Matière] Devaux, Philippe "Avant-Propos à l'Édition française" 1965 2 Paris Payot A54
Analysis of Matter, The [as Philosophie der Materie] Grelling, Kurt "Geleitwork zur deutschen Űbersetzung" 1929 3 Leipzig and Berlin B. G. Teubner A54. "Guide" dated January 1929.
Analysis of Mind, The Baldwin, Thomas "Introduction" 1995 11 London Routledge A35. Omitted in Spokesman edition.
Authority and the Individual Willis, Kirk "Introduction" 1995 10 London Routledge Routledge Classics A84
Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, The Foot, Michael "Introduction" 1998 7 London Routledge Routledge Classics A142.4a
Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell, The Slater, John G. "Introduction" 1992 5 London Routledge Routledge Classics A115
Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell, The Denonn, Lester E.
Egner, Robert E.
"Introduction" 1961 2 London Allen and Unwin A115
Bertrand Russell's Best Egner, Robert E. "Preface", "Introduction", "Preface to Unwin Book edition" 1958, 1971, 1975 1, 2 London Allen and Unwin A107.1a, .3a, .5a
Bertrand Russell's Dictionary of Mind, Matter and Morals Denonn, Lester E. "Introduction" 1952 4 New York Philosophical Library A91
Collected Stories of Bertrand Russell, The Feinberg, Barry 1972 4 London Allen and Unwin A151. Includes "Forstice", Satan in the Suburbs and Nightmares of Eminent Persons.
Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare Coates, Ken 2001 21 London Routledge Routledge Classics A108. Also 2-paragraph blurb by N. Chomsky, p. [vi].
Conquest of Happiness, The Dennett, Daniel C. "Introduction" 2023 ?? London Liveright A60
Conquest of Happiness, The Grayling, A.C. "Preface" 2006 5 London Routledge Routledge Classics A60. Index replaced.
Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, A Arthur, Richard T.W. "Introduction" 2025 forthcoming London Routledge Routledge Classics A4
Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, A Slater, John G. "Introduction" 1992 6 London Routledge A4. Omitted in Spokesman edition.
Dear Bertrand Russell Kasrils, Ronald "Foreword to 2024 Edition" 2024 5 Nottingham Spokesman A149
Essay on the Foundations of Geometry, An Potter, Michael "Foreword" 2022 ?? London Routledge Routledge Classics A3. Index added ??
Essay on the Foundations of Geometry, An Slater, John G. "Introduction" 1996 1996 London Routledge A3. Omitted in Spokesman edition.
Fact and Fiction Slater, John G. "Introduction" 1994 6 London Routledge Routledge Classics A120
German Social Democracy Coates, Ken "Preface to new edition" 2000 3 Nottingham Spokesman A2
Has Man a Future? Galtung, Johan "Foreword" 2001 8 Nottingham Spokesman A121
History of Western Philosophy Gottlieb, Anthony "Introduction" 2009 6? London Routledge Routledge Classics A79.2.Not in paperback edition.
History of Western Philosophy [in Dutch as Geschiedenis van de westerse Filosofie] Keizer, Bert "Voorwoord" 2008 4 Utrecht Servire A79
History of Western Philosophy and Its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from Earliest Times to the Present Day Grayling, A.C. "Introduction" 2004 6 London Folio Society A79.2
Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits Slater, John G. "Introduction" 1992 5 London Routledge Routledge Classics A83
Human Society in Ethics and Politics Slater, John G. "Introduction" 1992 7 London Routledge Routledge Classics A98. Name index added from Russell (1991).
Impact de la science: promesses et perils, L' Baillargeon, Normand
Santerre, Chantal
"Introduction" 2023 ?? London Baconniere, La A88.2a
Impact of Science on Society, The Shuckin, Tim "Preface" 2016 ?? London Routledge Routledge Classics A88.2a
In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays Woodhouse, Howard "Introduction" 1996 13 London Routledge A66
In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays Gottlieb, Anthony "Preface" 2004 4 London Routledge Routledge Classics A66. Woodhouse's introduction retained. Indexed added.
Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, An
Engel, Pascal "Introduction" 2025 forthcoming London Routledge Routledge Classics A73
Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, An Baldwin, Thomas "Critical Introduction" 1995 11 London Routledge A73. Omitted in Spokesman edition.
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy Potter, Michael "Foreword" 2022 ?? London Routledge Routledge Classics A30
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy Hagar, Amit "Introduction" 2005 6 New York Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading A30
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy Slater, John G. "Introduction" 1993 7 London Routledge A30. Omitted in Spokesman edition.
Introduction à la philosophie mathématique Rivenc, François "Avant-propos" 1991 20 Paris Payot A30. Each chapter is preceded by introductory notes, once by Amy Dahan-Dalmedico.
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy [as Einführung in die mathematische Philosophie] Hilbert, David "Vorwort" 1923 1 Munich Drei Masken Verlag A30
Logic and Knowledge Stevens, Graham "Introduction" 2025 forthcoming London Routledge Routledge Classics A103
Marriage and Morals [as Ehe und Moral] Blackwell, Kenneth
Hausen, Mirjam H.
"Foreword"; "Bertrand Russell neu entdecken" 1984 2; 5 Darmstadt, Germany Verlag Darmstädter Blätter A59. Both German and English texts of foreword.
Mortals and Others, American Essays, 1931–1935 Slater, John G.
Ruja, Harry
"Preface" to each volume
1996 8
3, 2
London Routledge Routledge Classics A158. Combines Vols. 1 & 2
My Philosophical Development Baldwin, Thomas "Introduction" 1995 10 London Routledge A109. Omitted in Spokesman edition.
My Philosophical Development Griffin, Nicholas "Foreword" 2022 8 London Routledge Routledge Classics A109
Mysticism and Logic Linsky, Bernard "Introduction" 2025 forthcoming London Routledge Routledge Classics A28. Includes Russell's 1917 and 1929 prefaces
New Hopes for a Changing World Bone, Andrew G. "Introduction" 2023 11 + 13 Nottingham Spokesman A89. Added: 3 appendices and index from Russell (2001)
Our Knowledge of the External World Hagar, Amit "Introduction" 2008 7 New York Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading A12.1a. Apparently text of 1914 edition.
Our Knowledge of the External World Slater, John G. "Introduction" 1993 9 London Routledge Routledge Classics A12.2a
Outline of Philosophy, An Slater, John G. Introduction" 1995 6 London Routledge Routledge Classics A56
Philosophy of Logical Atomism, The [as Philosophie des logischen Atomismus: Aufsätze zur Logik und Erkenntnistheorie 1908–1918, Die] Sinnreich, Johannes "Einleitung" 1976 15 Munich Nymphenburger A86. Editorial notes are added with Russell's, gathered at rear, with bibliography and index.
Philosophy of Logical Atomism, The [as Russell's Logical Atomism] Pears, David "Introduction" 1972 34 London Fontana/Collins Routledge Classics as The Philosophy of Logical Atomism A86.3. Reissued in 1985 as The Philosophy of Logical Atomism (La Salle, Ill.: Open Court).
Politische Ideale Einstein, Albert "Vorwort" 1922 1 Berlin Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschicte m. b. h. A43. An original anthology.
Politische Ideale von Borries, Achim "Zu Bertrand Russell's `Political Ideals'" 1989 6 Darmstädt, Germany Darmstädter Blätter A43.2a. Omits much in 1st edition but retains Einstein's foreword.
Politische Ideale Gumbel, E.J. "I. Einleitung; Bertrand Russells wissenschaftliche Bedeutung" 1922 12 Berlin Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschicte m. b. h. A43. Also by Gumbel: "II. Das Problem des Krieges; Bertrand Russell und die englischen Pazifisten im Krieg"
Portraits from Memory and Other Essays Griffin, Nicholas "Foreword" 2020 6?? London Routledge Routledge Classics A102. An index is added ??
Power: a New Social Analysis Brittan, Samuel "Preface" 2004 9 London Routledge Routledge Classics A72. Introduction by Willis retained. Index replaced.
Power: a New Social Analysis Willis, Kirk "Introduction" 1995 8 London Routledge A72.
Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, The Coates, Ken "Foreword" 1995 3 Nottingham Spokesman A34
Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, The [as Die Praxis und Theorie des Bolschewismus] Fetscher, Iring "Vorwort" 1987 8 Darmstädt, Germany Darmstädter Blätter A34. Also "Zur Einführing", from W. Laqueur's Mythos der Revolution (Frankfurt: S. Fischer Verlag, 1967).
Principles of Mathematics, The Slater, John G. Introduction" 1992 5 London Routledge Routledge Classics
Principles of Social Reconstruction [as Principes de reconstruction sociale] Baillargeon, Normand "Introduction" 2007 22 Laval, Qué. Presses de l'Université Laval A25. Annotation, letter from A.G. West, and bibliography added.
Principles of Social Reconstruction Rempel, Richard A. "Introduction" 1997 8 London Routledge Routledge Classics as Why Men Fight A25
Problem of China, The Linsky, Bernard "Introduction" 2021 ?? London Routledge Routledge Classics A41
Problem of China, The Coates, Ken "Foreword" 1993 7 Nottingham Spokesman A41
Problem of China, The (as La Chine) Bergeron, Régis "La Chine à l'ère de Mao Tsé-toung (1922-1968)" 1968 80 Paris Éditions Planète A41. Notes added after each chapter.
Problems of Philosophy, The Kim, Hye-Kyung "Introduction" 2004 11 New York Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading A10
Problems of Philosophy, The Skorupski, John "Introduction" 1998 10 Oxford Oxford U. P. A10
Problems of Philosophy, The Perry, John "Introduction" 1997 20 New York Oxford U. P. A10
Problèmes de philosophie Rivenc, François "Introduction" 1989 20 Paris Èditions Payot
Prospects of Industrial Civilization, The Greenspan, Louis "Introduction" 1996 11 London Routledge Routledge Classics A36.2
Religion and Science Ruse, Michael "Introduction" 1997 19 New York Oxford U. P. A69
Roads to Freedom Rempel, Richard A. "Critical Introduction" 1996 8 London Routledge A29
Sceptical Essays Gray, John "Preface to the Routledge Classics Edition" 2004 5 London Routledge Routledge Classics A57. Index added.
Scientific Outlook, The Papineau, David "Preface" 2001 17 London Routledge Routledge Classics A61
Theory of Knowledge: the 1913 Manuscript Eames, Elizabeth Ramsden "Introduction" 1984 31 London Allen and Unwin Collected Papers, Vol. 7 AA2. Full scholarly apparatus for this previously unpublished book.
Unpopular Essays Willis, Kirk "Introduction" 1995 9 London Routledge Routledge Classics A87
War Crimes in Vietnam Stetler, Russell "Foreword" 2025 forthcoming Nottingham Spokesman A141
What I Believe Ryan, Alan "Preface" 2004 11 London Routledge Routledge Classics A49. Index added.
Wit and Wisdom of Bertrand Russell, The Denonn, Lester E. "Introduction" 1951 10 New York Beacon Press A90
Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects Blackburn, Simon "Preface" 2004 9 London Routledge Routledge Classics A104. Edwards' introduction retained, index replaced.
Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects Edwards, Paul "Editor's Introduction" 1957 5 London Allen and Unwin A104. Appedix on CCNY case

Compiled by K.Blackwell (updated 17.1.25).